
Archive for June, 2019

Interesting Problem Today:

Ran into this issue a few times and every time its a variation of the same headache. So, here some ideas will be documented for posterity.

In general terms, the error looks like this:

Connecting to Subscriber ''
Agent message code 20084. The process could not connect to Subscriber ''
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0
SQL Server Network Interfaces: The target principal name is incorrect.
Cannot generate SSPI context

The error message seems nebulous and confusing — but for trained eyes it makes perfect sense. For me it took a while to make sense out of it.

There could be several things wrong under the hood, but essentially it says that the target SQL server that is is trying to connect to, does not have a valid SPN with Active Directory.

Meer from Microsoft has documented some information on troubleshooting this issue here. For more details, please read his article, as I’ll over simplify things and address a variation of the problem in this articles (which will be slightly different from his).


From SQLServerA, using UserA, if I’m trying to connect to SqlServerB, sometimes I get this error. Essentially, means SqlServerB does not have a valid SPN.


First, log into the machine that has SqlServerB. Open command prompt with Administrative privileges. Run the command below to see if there is a valid SPN.


SETSPN -L <SQL Server Instance Service Account>


If the output looks like the first image below, then the Sql Server instance does not have a valid SPN. Now its time to generate one.

Output without valid SPN:

Invalid SPN

Invalid SPN

Step 2: Download Kerberos Configuration Manager for SQL Server from here, and start generating one.

Step 3: Open Kerberos Configuration Manager for SQL Server from the same machine that has SqlServerB instance. When you run it, it shows something like this:


Kerberos Tool Output

Kerberos Tool Output

Notice that for Sql Server service, there is not valid SPN or misplaced SPN. So its time to generate one.

Step 4: Hit the “Fix it” button right next to it and generate one. Make sure the user account that is logged into the machine has domain controller permissions.

Step 5: Now run the same command as in Step 1, and the output looks different.

Output with valid SPN:

Valid SPN

Valid SPN


Voila !! Now you are able to connect to SqlServerB from SqlServerA using UserA



Hope this helps,

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Quick one today:

Surprisingly, this need comes up frequently to list all the Sql Agent jobs in all instances in our lab machines. Sometimes we need to cross check to be sure all environments have the same jobs.

This below query lists out all jobs with their steps:

-- List all Sql Agent Jobs with their steps and other relevant information
	, L.loginname
	, S.database_name
	, J.job_id
	, J.name
	, J.enabled
	, J.description
	, S.step_id
	, S.step_name
	, S.command

FROM dbo.sysjobs_view AS J
INNER JOIN dbo.sysjobsteps AS S
	ON J.job_id = S.job_id
INNER JOIN sys.syslogins AS L
	ON L.sid = J.owner_sid
ORDER BY J.enabled ASC
	, J.originating_server ASC
	, S.database_name ASC
	, J.name ASC
	, S.step_id ASC



Hope this helps,

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Interesting one today:

Earlier in our lab environment, ran into this interesting error:

2019-06-20 00:18:46.67 Connecting to Distributor ''
2019-06-20 00:18:46.78 The replication agent had encountered an exception.
2019-06-20 00:18:46.78 Source: Replication
2019-06-20 00:18:46.78 Exception Type: 
2019-06-20 00:18:46.78 Exception Message: The snapshot could not be 
generated because the publisher is inactive.
2019-06-20 00:18:46.78 Message Code: 54057
2019-06-20 00:18:46.78

Replication from publisher to subscriber was set up correctly, but when the agent runs, the SQL Agent job stops with this error.


Go to Distributor and run this query to check the status of the publisher instance.

EXEC sp_helpdistpublisher


As we can see, one of the publisher instance is set to Inactive. So now we need to reset it.

Run the script below to change the publisher status at distributor:

EXEC sp_changedistpublisher  @publisher = 'Publisher',  @property = 'active', @value = 'true'

The result looks something like this:


Now  run the previous ‘sp_helpdistpublisher’ again and now the status is active:



Hope this helps,


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